Nift exam preparation for creative test requires your ability to sketch anything asked from your imagination. the concept behind this actually in nift entrance exam is just to check how conscious you are in day to day life by remaining in your surroundings. In nift creative exam you can expect anything in questions like perspective sketching for indoor background or outdoor background, object drawings like gadgets, kitchen utensils etc., t-shirt design, logo design, pattern design, dress design, book page covers etc etc. If one thinks of cramming or memorizing the topics not going to work. simple reason is that how many topics can be memorized. But more important reason above all is that in nift entrance exam for creativity one is supposed to sketch from memory hence once the techniques & methods are understood & well practiced then it hardly takes one months time to command at it.
At Sketch Arts Studio every student is given the training in this manner only. every student is taught the basics & from basics to high end sketching & designing. this way one not only cracks the nift entrance exam but learns to handle fashion design college assignments & projects of fashion design industry also because it is all about listening the ideas of your own self & others as well & its execution.
Visit Sketch Arts Studio to attend the demo class by Mr. Anil Duseja, conceptual design artist on all these concepts. and once you are satisfied then join us. & we believe for right education & career every student & parents can afford to take out time to visit us doesn’t matter how far or busy you are.